Metal Master Chassis

TGS gen 2.0 Graflex Flash Gun
TFA design
Metal Master chassis
rotating plasma gate
premium 7/8" Emitter bladeholder + glass-eye mod
real quarz crystal
CrystalFocus 9.0 soundboard
2W premium bass speaker
2x 14650 Li-Io batteries (7,4V / 1A) PCB protected
easy battery access
Tri-Cree high power LED (light blue)
charge port and main power switch
mp3 player
12 sound font banks
premium blade-plug
This Graflex Saber includes the mb-Sabers Metal Master chassis system with the original rotating Plasma Gate.
Most parts of this Metal Master Saber-Chassis are 3D printed. It is a mix of Steel and Brass materials. Each part is hand finished. It is a high quality product designed and assembled by me. I use the same high-end electronic parts, materials and crystals like I use for the handcrafted chassis.
The CrystalFocus 9.0 soundboard and LED driver gives the saber the real feel of a Lightsaber. It simulates blade flickering, a flash effect, ignition fade, blaster blocking and lockup. It includes 12 sound banks with up to 16 swing and clash sounds.
The complete motion and sound set-up can be changed by changing parameters on the SD card.
The saber and the chassis construction is very solid, but I sell this saber only as collector's item. It is not a toy.
Satisfaction guarantee and support is included.
If you have questions or want to buy this saber feel free to contact me.